

Monday, July 15, 2013

New Perspectives: Green Ways to Decorate Your Kitchen

Happy kitchen
image courtesy of

1. Use topiaries to add vegetation & style
Imagine using those spiral topiaries on your kitchen’s entrance? How about the hanging topiaries above your dining tables? Isn’t the thought of using these topiaries in your kitchen fantastic and elegant? The best part is, it isn’t very expensive. You can even make one yourself with some of the many topiary DIY idea boards on Pinterest. This is a classic example of being nature friendly and economical while getting the best results.

2. Strategically position your windows to capture sunlight
If you're re-doing your kitchen,  you can plan to save electricity by strategically positioning your windows.
Position it in such a way that it can capture the sunlight and also take note of the window's dimensions. If you make your windows big enough and positioned it correctly, you won’t have to use your lights not until dinner time.

3. Use plants that absorb air impurities 
For example, the "Mother in Law’s Tongue" plant is well known for helping absorb air impurities and dusts. That is why you commonly see this plant in houses especially in their entrance.
If you place these types of plants in your kitchen, not only will it help in cleaning your kitchen’s air but it’ll add to your kitchen's decor  as well.
Take the time to consider the price of the plant, the beauty it brings, and the function that these plants can do for you, you’d be a sure winner if you use them.

Now that I’ve shared some of my techniques in how to decorate your garden the “green way”, I’d love to hear from you. Whatever tips and tricks you can share to help others in designing their kitchen the green way will surely be appreciated. Share your tips in the comments section below!

Aileen Pablo is a home improvement blogger and writer from Top Topiary began life in 2004 exhibiting at garden shows in the south of England and selling Topiary Frames to the visitors.

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