image courtesy of beadforlifestore.org
Pros Cons
-All purchases benefit families in Northern Uganda -Not rated on EWG skindeep database
-Good/unique shape and size -Not widely available. (purchase here)
-No artificial fragrances, dyes, petrochemicals, parabens
-Smooth feel
Conclusion: One of my favorite aspects of being a green living blogger is discovering products that are both environmentally and socioeconomically sustainable. I love my Tom's shoes, my Humps sunglasses, and all of my fair trade jewelry, so it is no surprise that I LOVE BeadforLife lip balm. BeadforLife is a nonprofit organization that sells handmade products like jewelry, loose beads, soaps, and lip balm in order to benefit 750 impoverished families in Uganda. The program gives women jobs creating these items and aims to have families able to make a good living independent from the program within 18 months. Not only that, but the shea butter lip balms are actually good for you! The ingredients are simple, natural, and effective, and though the product is not yet rated on the skin deep database, there are no intimidating items on the ingredient list so I'm sure the lip balm will be ranked well.
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