As I explained in my article
In the Pits: The Great Deodorant Debate, traditional deodorants often contain dangerous chemical compounds that are known estrogen mimics. Because of the possibility that these deodorants could lead to cancer, I switched to natural deodorant about a year ago. I have now tried two different brands that are much safer than traditional deodorants: Crystal Roll-on and Tom's of Maine. Here are my observations about each:
Crystal Tom's
Pros: Works well as an antiperspirant, Pros: Scented varieties smell great,
Long lasting, Rated 0 on Ewg Skin Cheaper than Crystal,Doesn't dry out skin,
Deep Database. Has responsible packaging and
company commitments to
community service.
Cons: About $1 more expensive than Cons: Doesn't work as well as Crystal
Tom's, Takes a minute to dry after as an antiperspirant, Doesn't last as long,
application, Can be drying to skin. Rated higher (2) on the
Ewg Skin Deep Database.
Conclusion: While Tom's of Maine is a wonderful company that is making a true positive difference for the environment, Crystal Roll On works better and contains safer ingredients. I highly recommend Crystal.